Ralph n Rich’s is one of America's 1,000 Top Italian Restaurants 2008

Even though Ralph n Rich’s is in gorgeous, roomy, new digs across the street from the Barnum Museum, this Italian restaurant remains an oasis in the desert, culinary speaking, in Downtown Bridgeport Connecticut, Ralph is still the master in the kitchen, producing top-notch food as always, and Rich presides over the front of the house with Elan, reasonable prices are icing on the cake.

Congratulations Ralph n Rich’s of Bridgeport Connecticut

We are pleased to announce that Ralph n Rich’s Restaurant in Bridgeport Connecticut has been chosen by Connecticut's Attorneys and law firms as one of "The Best". You won in the Best After-Work Pubs category. With hundreds of participants and weeks of polling.

Welcome to Ralph-n-Rich's


815 Main St
Bridgeport, CT 06604




(203) 366-3597


Authentic Italian

Ralph n Rich’s